A child happily kicking a ball around, a couple embracing each other comfortably, a family having a fun picnic, whatever it is, the grass witness it all...
Hua Shan in China’s Shaanxi Province scored first place anytime. This mountain is one of China's five sacred Taoist mountains and coincidentally, has five main peaks. You can name it Hua Shan or Mt. Hua. A Japanese host show reported that Hua Shan recorded up to 100 deaths per year. Not too tourist friendly, isn't it? That will be an average of one death every three days! So, it is like playing Russian Roulettte if you decide to hike this mountain. Some photos and a video for your enjoyment.
The Entrance ...
There are three ways up to Huashan's North Peak (1613 m), the lowest of the mountain's major peaks. The most popular is the also the original route, which winds for 6 km from Hua Shan village to the north peak. There is also the cable-car, as well as a path that follows the cable car to the North Peak. From the North Peak, a series of paths rise up to the four other peaks, the West Peak (2038 m), the Center Peak (2042 m), the East Peak (2100 m) and the South Peak (2160 m).
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